How to get rich in 2023: Read this poem!
By now, you’d have known that the blog’s title is just a load of crap and nothing but clickbait.
“Do these 5 things to change your life forever”
“If you want to think like rich people, then this is for you”
“9 Habits of successful people that no one will tell you”
Instagram and Twitter are filled with influencers and coaches who give trash advice with captivating captions and colorful posters. It’s always about hitting the gym, cutting off people, and the law of attraction bullshit.
I feel that we’re bombarded with so many ‘do this’ and ‘do that’. Follow this routine. Listen to this guru. Join this course. Attend this webinar. Enroll in our workshop. And at the end of the day, you start to feel restless and exhausted and palpitated and agitated and alone and confused.
“Is a 64.5 LPA salary too low in Bangalore?”
We don’t know what’s enough or when to stop. After reaching a peak, we don’t take a break and appreciate the journey. Instead, we immediately look at the next guy’s success and try to take the long, unnecessary, awkward leap with our tired and crampy legs. We jump, hop, run, dash, sprint, and fly. But we forget that ‘sit’ is also a verb, an action word.
Aaron Beck explained the role of the ‘cognitive triad’ in leading to depression. It is nothing but an individual’s views on self, the world, and the future. Now let’s correlate this concept with our obsession with hustle. What happens when you achieve something and still never feel enough? What if you compare your progress with your friend’s? What if you feel empty even after long hours of toil? You start to feel worthless. Negative views about self. This constant struggle with little to no satisfaction will make you hate the world around you. You begin to question everything and everyone. Your life becomes difficult to handle. Negative views about the world. Lastly, a sense of dread creeps in when thinking about the next 5–10 years. You are uncertain that you’ll survive the storm. You panic whenever you think about the road ahead. Negative views about the future.
To summarize, it’s a classic case of Worthlessness, Helplessness, and Hopelessness.
I think I’m being too Orwellian. It’s not my intention. Instead, it’s the opposite. To give the readers a sense of calm and peace. A clarity of thought like still water. A freshness impregnated by a chill garden-side breeze. A simple solution to all complexities. There’s this concept called ‘Pataphysics that I think about whenever I get overwhelmed. It states that there’s no ‘one’ way to look at things. There’s no such thing as an ideal. Your yardstick of happiness is not the same as the next person’s. The metrics change. The constructs differ. There is no right ‘way’. All paths lead somewhere. And don’t fall for complex terminologies and long sentences. Jargon is just make-believe. Life can be simple. You can breathe, take a sick leave, and do nothing. A small break won’t rob you of success. Freud said, “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.” Remember: love and work.